Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Here at JFK

We made it to JFK but not without a few interesting moments. Jim’s flight took off on time, no problem. Mine however, had a few surprises for me. As we were boarding the plane, I noticed a mechanic at the front of the plane. Now, I know this is never a good sign and sure enough, it was not. After everyone was seated we were given the highly technical announcement that the plane was broken and we were all going to have to deplane. If the mechanics were a bad sign, leaving the plane is even a worse sign. As we are going back into the terminal, we are directed to a help desk. At first I thought this was called “Help Desk" as an indication of Delta’s sense of humor. While in line to talk to a human, we are given a card with a phone number on it to call. I call and make a new reservation through Atlanta. As it is being confirmed a news flash comes through over the loud speakers, a new plane has been found! I was some what skeptical of Delta that they just found a plane. It turns out we were given the plane that was going to Cincinnati and they got our broken plane. This continues my thought that the world really does not like the state of Ohio. Now, I have made it to the front of the “help” line and have to ask that my new reservation be cancelled and I get my old reservation reinstated. Guess what? It really is a help desk. I got the same seat back, boarded the plane and, most importantly, landed safely.

The reception for phones in the airport is terrible. The only good thing is they have free Wi-Fi. Of course, it too doesn’t work very well but it is the thought that counts. We will be boarding in a couple of hours. I have to tell you; so far we have had a lot of laughs just listening to the announcements. So far, our favorite is the following announcement: The passenger that left a black shoe at security, please return to get your shoe.”

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